6 Ways To Conserve Water

6 Ways To Conserve Water

Water conservation is a hot topic for a few different reasons which are mainly environmental and financial. While water conservation can be a national issue, there are small ways that you can make a difference on the local level throughout the Southern Vancouver Island area. By making small changes to conserve water in your home, you can help reduce water usage which also saving money on your water bill! Give these 6 tips from our plumbers a try in your home: 

Turn off the tap

Whether you are brushing your teeth, washing your hands, doing the dishes, or rinsing vegetables, be sure to turn off the tap while you are not actively using it. This sounds like the smallest change, but it can save a lot of water!

Take shorter showers

There’s nothing like a long hot shower… until you realise that some showerheads can use up to five gallons of water per minute! Be sure to shower with purpose to save yourself time, water, and money.

Fix leaks quickly

Found a small leak or drip in your faucet or pipe? It may seem like a small drip, but if left unchecked leaks like these can waste huge amounts of water every year. The best thing to do is repair these leaks as soon as you find them (this will help reduce water damage in your home too!).

Install a rain barrel

If you have a lot of plants, consider harvesting rainwater to water those plants with! Rain barrels are inexpensive, easy to install and maintain, and can help you save water in your home or garden. 

Run the dishwasher/washing machine only when it’s full

Never run your dishwasher or washing machine until you can do a full load, especially if you only have one or two items to wash. Both of these appliances use large amounts of water, so a great way to cut down on your usage is by monitoring your dishwasher and washing machine use.

Cover your pool

Covering your pool while you are not using it helps to reduce evaporation and maintain the temperature of the water. By investing in a good pool cover, you can reduce the need for replacement water by over 50%! This will also reduce your heating costs and chemical costs if you have a chlorine pool. 

If you have any questions about making your home more water efficient (such as installing new fixtures or appliances), give us a call today!
