Avoid Costly Winter Plumbing Leaks

When the cold weather hits like it has recently in Victoria, the last thing you are expecting is a major plumbing leak in your home. Because of this, many households are caught off guard when the change in seasons brings new plumbing nightmares. Below are some best-practices that you can follow to help avoid costly and stressful plumbing leaks during the coldest part of the year:

  • Protect your pipes from the cold
    When the temperature drops, the water inside your pipes can freeze. This can lead to blockages, bursts pipes, and nasty floods. If no one is nearby to catch this, your home and belongings can suffer serious damage. To reduce the risk of frozen pipes, be sure to wrap each pipe in a foam layer (available at most hardware stores).
  • Drain your water heater
    Hot water heaters are a common source of leakage, and it is always a good idea to frequently check on your home’s hot water heater. Homes with hard water are especially susceptible to sediment build up in the tank, which can cause rust to develop. Not only can this rust flow into your drinking water, it can also cause holes in your hot water heater.
  • Act now, not later
    When a leak happens, even a small one, it is always best to repair it now and not later. Don’t let time or money stop you from contacting your plumber right away to get your pipes back to top shape.
  • Close up any valves that head outside
    If your home has any interior vales that lead to outdoor faucets, always close and drain them during the winter to avoid frozen and cracked pipes.
  • Pack up the garden hose
    At the first sign of cold weather, always disconnect, wrap up and store your garden hose away. Hoses that remain connected are a danger as water can freeze inside and expand in your home’s faucets and connecting pipes.
  • Take care of the sump pump pit
    Many homeowners do not know that sump pumps are also susceptible to freezing during the coldest part of the year. Make it a yearly routine to inspect and clean your sump pump (as well as the surrounding pit) before winter begins. This will help stop water from entering your basement and flooding your home.

Don’t let winter be the cause of a bad leak in your home. Contact our plumbers in Victoria BC today to help make sure your pipes are ready to handle any weather.